Hallo lieber Freund (m/w/d)
Hier soll eine Übersicht aller buddhistischen Schriften des japanischen Mahayana Taisho Tripitaka in den verschiedenen europäischen und außereuropäischen Sprache entstehen, um Interessierten die Suche und Studium dieser buddhistischen Schriften zu vereinfachen undeinen leichteren Zugang zu diesen wertvollen Wissensschatz der menschlichen Zivilisation zu gwähren. Für diese Erfassung und Finden der Schriften suchen wir noch Hilfe und Unterstützung, zB. in dem du uns über eine vorhandene Quelle, Webseite, Blog, Buch, oder anere Formate informierst, wo eine Übersetzung in einer beliebigen Sprache vorhanden ist. Gerne kannst du auch bei der Recherche und Erstellung der Liste helfen. Bei Interesse schreibe gerne eine Mail an info@buddha-kanon.de. Sarva Mangalam.
Hello dear friend (m/f/d)
Here is an overview of all Buddhist scriptures of the Japanese Mahayana Taisho Tripitaka in the various European and non-European languages, in order to simplify the search and study of these Buddhist scriptures and to provide easier access to this valuable treasures of knowledge of human civilization. We are still looking for help and support for this collection, e.g. by informing us about an existing source, website, blog, book, or other formats where a translation is available in any language. You are also welcome to help with the research and creation of the list. If you are interested, please send an email to info@buddha-kanon.de . Sarva Mangalam.
Taishō shinshū daizōkyō Chinese Buddhist Canon 大正新脩大藏經
Chinese Buddhist Canon
See the web page About the Chinese Buddhist Canon for an overview of the content listed below. and Tour of the Chinese Buddhist Canon for a Youtube demo of ysing this site to explore the Chinese Buddhist canon.
Volume T01 Āgamas 阿含部
Volume 1 No. T01n0001- T01n0098. Popular titles: T 1 長阿含經 Dīrghāgama (Long Discourses), T 26 中阿含經 Madhyamāgama (Middle Length Discourses)
Volume T02 Āgamas 阿含部
Volume 2 No. T02n0099- T02n0151. Popular titles: T 99 雜阿含經 Saṃyuktāgama (Connected Discourses), T 125 增壹阿含經 Ekottarāgama (Numerically Arranged Discourses)
Volumes T03 Jātaka and Avadāna 本緣部
Volume 3 No. T03n0152-T03n0191. Popular titles: T 190 眾許摩訶帝經 Fo Ben Xing Ji Jing (Abhiniṣkramaṇasūtra)
Volume T04 Jātaka and Avadāna 本緣部
Volume 4 No. T04n0192- T04n0219. Popular titles: T 192 佛所行讚 Fo Suo Xing Zan (Buddhacarita), T 200 撰集百緣經 Zhuanji Bai Yuan Jing (Avadānaśataka)
Volumes T05-T07 The Large Sūtra Perfection of Wisdom Prajñāpāramitā《大般若波羅蜜多經》
Volumes 5-7 大般若波羅蜜多經 The Large Sūtra Perfection of Wisdom T T05n0220 (3 volumes)
No. | Title |
T05n0220 | The Large Sūtra Perfection of Wisdom 《大般若波羅蜜多經》 * |
Volume T08 Prajñāpāramitā 般若部
Volume 8 No. T08n0221-T08n0261. Popular titles: T 227 小品般若波羅蜜經 The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines, T 235 金剛般若波羅蜜經 Diamond Sūtra (translated by Kumārajīva), T 251 般若波羅蜜多心經 Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sūtra
Volume T09: Lotus and Huayan 法華部、華嚴部
Volume 9 No. T09n0261-T09n0278. Popular titles: T 262 妙法蓮華經 The Lotus Sutra
Volume T10: Huayan (continued) 華嚴部
Volume 10 No. T10n0279- T10n0309. Popular titles: T 279 大方廣佛華嚴經 Avataṃsakasūtra (Flower Garland Sūtra)
Volume T11: Ratnakūṭa and Nirvāṇa Section 寶積部、涅槃部
Volume 11 No. T11n0310-T11n0320 T 310 無量壽經 Great Treasures Collection Sūtra
Volume T12: Ratnakūṭa and Nirvāṇa Section 寶積部、涅槃部
Volume 12 No. T12n0321-T12n0396. Popular titles: T 360 無量壽經 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (The Infinite Life Sutra), T 365 觀無量壽佛經 The Sutra on Contemplation of Amitāyus , T 366 阿彌陀經 Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra (The Amitabha Sutra) , T 374 大般涅槃經 Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (translated by Dharmakṣema)
Volume T13 Mahāsaṃnipāta (Great Compilation) 大集部
Volume 13 No. T13n0397- T13n0424. Popular titles: T 412 地藏菩薩本願經 Sūtra of the Great Vows of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva
Volume T14 Jingji (Miscellaneous) Section 經集部
Volume 14 No. T14n0425- T14n0584. Popular titles: T 450 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 Medicine Buddha Sūtra, T 475 維摩詰所說經 Vimalakīrti Sūtra
Volume T15 Jingji Section 經集部
Volume 15 No. T15n0585- T15n0655
Volume T16 Jingji Section 經集部
Volume 16 No. T16n0656- T16n0720. Popular titles: T 658 寶雲經 Ratnameghasūtra, T 665 金光明最勝王經 Suvarṇaprabhāsauttamarājasūtra (Sutra of Supreme Golden Light), T 666 大方等如來藏經 Tathāgatagarbhasūtra, T 670 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra (translated by Guṇabhadra)
Volume T17 Jingji Section 經集部
Volume 17 No. T17n0721- T17n0847. Popular titles: T 779 佛說八大人覺經 Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings, 四十二章經 The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections
Volume T18 Esoteric Section 密教部
Volume 18 No. T18n0848- T18n0917. Popular titles: T 848 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經 Vairocana Sutra, T 865 金剛頂一切如來真實攝大乘現證大教王經 Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṁgraha
Volume T19 Esoteric Section 密教部
Volume 19 No. T19n0918- T19n1029. Popular titles: T 982 佛母大孔雀明王經 Mahāmayūrīvidyārājñīsūtra
Volume T20 Esoteric Section 密教部
Volume 20 No. T20n1030-T20n1198. Popular titles: T 1070 佛說十一面觀世音神呪經 Sutra of the Divine Spell of the Eleven-Faced Avalokiteśvara
Volume T21 Esoteric Section 密教部
Volume 21 No. T21n1199-T21n1420. Popular titles: T 1300 摩登伽經 Mātaṅga Sutra
Volume T22 Vinaya Section 律部
Volume 22 No. T22n1421-T22n1434. Popular titles: T 1425 摩訶僧祇律 Mahāsaṅghikavinaya, T 1428 四分律 Dharmaguputakavinaya (Four Part Vinaya)
No. | Title |
T22n1421 | Mahīśāsakavinaya 《彌沙塞部和醯五分律》 |
T22n1422a | Mi Sha Sai Wu Fen Jie Ben 《彌沙塞五分戒本》 |
T22n1422b | Wu Fen Jie Ben 《五分戒本》 |
T22n1423 | Wu Fen Biqiuni Jie Ben 《五分比丘尼戒本》 |
T22n1424 | Mahīśāsakakarman (Mi Sha Sai Jiemo Ben) 《彌沙塞羯磨本》 |
T22n1425 | Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 《摩訶僧祇律》 |
T22n1426 | Mohesengzhi Lu Da Biqiu Jie Ben 《摩訶僧祇律大比丘戒本》 |
T22n1427 | Mahāsaṅghabhikṣuṇivinaya (Mohe Sengzhi Biqiuni Jie Ben) 《摩訶僧祇比丘尼戒本》 |
T22n1428 | Dharmaguputakavinaya (Si Fen Lu) 《四分律》 |
T22n1429 | Si Fen Lu Biqiu Jie Ben 《四分律比丘戒本》 |
T22n1430 | Si Fen Seng Jie Ben 《四分僧戒本》 |
T22n1431 | Si Fen Biqiuni Jie Ben 《四分比丘尼戒本》 |
T22n1432 | Tan Wu De Lu Bu Za Jiemo 《曇無德律部雜羯磨》 |
T22n1433 | Jiemo 《羯磨》 |
T22n1434 | Dharmaguptabhikṣuṇīkarman (Si Fen Biqiuni Jiemo Fa) 《四分比丘尼羯磨法》 |
Volume T23 Vinaya Section 律部
Volume 23 No. T23n1435-T23n1447. Popular titles: T 1435 十誦律 Sarvāstivādavinaya (Shi Song Lu)
Volume T24 Vinaya Section 律部
Volume 24 No. T24n1448- T24n1504
Volume T25 Sūtra Commentary and Śastra Section 釋經論部
Volume 25 No. T25n1505-T25n1518. Popular titles: T 1509 大智度論 Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (Da Zhi Du Lun)
Volume T26 Śastra and Abhidharma Section 釋經論部、毘曇部
Volume 26 No. T26n1519-T26n1544. Popular titles: T 1543 阿毘曇八犍度論 Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apitan Ba Jiandu Lun), T 1544 阿毘達磨發智論 Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apidamo Fa Zhi Zu Lun)
Volume T27 Abhidharma Section 毘曇部
Volume 27 No. T27n1545 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》
No. | Title |
T27n1545 | Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》 |
Volume T28 Abhidharma Section 毘曇部
Volume 28 No. T28n1546-T28n1557. Popular titles: T 1546 阿毘曇毘婆沙論 Abhidharmavibhāṣāśāstra (Apitan Pi Po Sha Lun)
Volume T29 Abhidharma Section 毘曇部
Volume 29 No. T29n1558-T29n1563. Popular titles: T 1558 阿毘達磨俱舍論 Abhidharmakośaśastra
Volume T30 Madhyamaka and Yogācāra Section 中觀部、瑜伽部
Volume 30 No. T30n1564-T30n1584. Popular titles: T 1564 中論 Mūlamadhyamakaśāstra (Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way), T 1568 十二門論 Twelve Gate Treatise, T 1579 瑜伽師地論 Yogācāryabhūmiśāstra
Volume T31 Yogācāra Section 瑜伽部
Volume 31 No. T31n1585- T31n1627
Volume T32 Śastra Section 論集部
Volume 32 No. T32n1628-T32n1692. Popular titles: T 1630 因明入正理論 Nyāyapraveśa T 1666 大乘起信論 Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna
Volume T33 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 33 No. T33n1693- T33n1717<. Commentaries on the Diamond, Heart, and Lotus Sūtras
Volume T34 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 34 No. T34n1718-T34n1730. Commentaries on the Lotus Sūtra
No. | Title |
T34n1718 | Miaofa Lianhua Jing Wen Ju 《妙法蓮華經文句》 |
T34n1719 | Fahua Wen Ju Ji 《法華文句記》 |
T34n1720 | Fa Hua Xuan Lun 《法華玄論》 |
T34n1721 | Fa Hua Yi Shu 《法華義疏》 |
T34n1722 | Fa Hua You Yi 《法華遊意》 |
T34n1723 | Miaofa Lianhua Jing Xuan Zan 《妙法蓮華經玄贊》 |
T34n1724 | Fa Hua Xuan Zan Yi Jue 《法華玄贊義決》 |
T34n1725 | Fa Hua Zong Yao 《法華宗要》 |
T34n1726 | Guanyin Xuan Yi 《觀音玄義》 |
T34n1727 | Guanyin Xuan Yi Ji 《觀音玄義記》 |
T34n1728 | Guanyin Yi Shu 《觀音義疏》 |
T34n1729 | Guanyin Yi Shu Ji 《觀音義疏記》 |
T34n1730 | Jingang Sanmei Jing Lun 《金剛三昧經論》 |
Volume T35 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 35 No. T35n1731-T35n1735. Commentaries and summaries on the Avataṃsaka Sūtra
Volume T36 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 36 No. T36n1736-T36n1743. Commentaries and summaries on the Avataṃsaka Sūtra
Volume T37 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 37 No. T37n1744-T37n1764. Commentaries on Pure Land sūtras and the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra
No. | Title |
T37n1744 | Shengman Bao Ku 《勝鬘寶窟》 |
T37n1745 | Wu Liang Shou Jing Yi Shu 《無量壽經義疏》 |
T37n1746 | Wu Liang Shou Jing Yi Shu 《無量壽經義疏》 |
T37n1747 | Liang Juan Wu Liang Shou Jing Zong Yao 《兩卷無量壽經宗要》 |
T37n1748 | Wu Liang Shou Jing Lian Yi Shu Wen Zan 《無量壽經連義述文贊》 |
T37n1749 | Guan Wu Liang Shou Jing Yi Shu 《觀無量壽經義疏》 |
T37n1750 | Guan Wu Liang Shou Fo Jing Shu 《觀無量壽佛經疏》 |
T37n1751 | Guan Wu Liang Shou Fo Jing Shu Miao Zong Chao 《觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔》 |
T37n1752 | Guan Wu Liang Shou Jing Yi Shu 《觀無量壽經義疏》 |
T37n1753 | Guan Wu Liang Shou Fo Jing Shu 《觀無量壽佛經疏》 |
T37n1754 | Guan Wu Liang Shou Fo Jing Yi Shu 《觀無量壽佛經義疏》 |
T37n1755 | Amituo Jing Yi Ji 《阿彌陀經義記》 |
T37n1756 | Amituo Jing Yi Shu 《阿彌陀經義述》 |
T37n1757 | Amituo Jing Shu 《阿彌陀經疏》 |
T37n1758 | Amituo Jing Tong Zan Shu 《阿彌陀經通贊疏》 |
T37n1759 | Amituo Jing Shu 《阿彌陀經疏》 |
T37n1760 | Amituo Jing Shu 《阿彌陀經疏》 |
T37n1761 | Amituo Jing Yi Shu 《阿彌陀經義疏》 |
T37n1762 | Amituo Jing Yao Jie 《阿彌陀經要解》 |
T37n1763 | Da Ban Niepan Jing Ji Jie 《大般涅槃經集解》 |
T37n1764 | Da Ban Niepan Jing Yi Ji 《大般涅槃經義記》 |
Volume T38 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 38 No. T38n1765-T38n1782. Commentaries on the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, Medicine Buddha Sūtra, and the Vimalakīrti Sūtra
No. | Title |
T38n1765 | Da Ban Niepan Jing Xuan Yi 《大般涅槃經玄義》 |
T38n1766 | Niepan Xuan Yi Fa Yuan Ji Yao 《涅槃玄義發源機要》 |
T38n1767 | Da Ban Niepan Jing Shu 《大般涅槃經疏》 |
T38n1768 | Da Ban Niepan Jing You Yi 《涅槃經遊意》 |
T38n1769 | Niepan Zong Yao 《涅槃宗要》 |
T38n1770 | Benyuan Yaoshi Jing Guji 《本願藥師經古迹》 |
T38n1771 | Mile Jing You Yi 《彌勒經遊意》 |
T38n1772 | Guan Mile Shang Sheng Doushuaitian Jing Zan 《觀彌勒上生兜率天經贊》 |
T38n1773 | Mile Shang Sheng Jing Zong Yao 《彌勒上生經宗要》 |
T38n1774 | San Mile Jing Shu 《三彌勒經疏》 |
T38n1775 | Zhu Weimojie Jing 《注維摩詰經》 |
T38n1776 | Weimo Yi Ji 《維摩義記》 |
T38n1777 | Wei Mo Jing Xuan Shu 《維摩經玄疏》 |
T38n1778 | Wei Mo Jing Lue Shu 《維摩經略疏》 |
T38n1779 | Wei Mo Jing Lue Shu Chui Yu Ji 《維摩經略疏垂裕記》 |
T38n1780 | Jing Ming Xuan Lun 《淨名玄論》 |
T38n1781 | Wei Mo Jing Yi Shu 《維摩經義疏》 |
T38n1782 | Shuo Wugou Cheng Jing Shu 《說無垢稱經疏》 |
Volume T39 Sūtra Commentary Section 經疏部
Volume 39 No. T39n1783- T39n1803. Commentaries on the 金光明經 Jin Guangming Jing, 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經註解 Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra
Volume 40 Vinaya and Śastra Commentary Section 律疏部、論疏部
Volume 40 No. T40n1804-T40n1820. Commentaries on the Dharmaguputaka Vinaya
Volume T41 Śastra Commentary Section 論疏部
Volume 41 No. T41n1821-T41n1823. Commentaries on the 俱舍論 Abhidharmakośabhāṣya
No. | Title |
T41n1821 | Notes on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 《俱舍論記》 |
T41n1822 | Commentary on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 《俱舍論疏》 |
T41n1823 | Discourse on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 《俱舍論頌疏論本》 |
Volume T42 Śastra Commentary Section 論疏部
Volume 42 No. T42n1824-T42n1828. Commentaries on the 中論 Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, 十二門論 Dvādaśanikāyaśāstra, and 瑜伽論 Yogācārabhūmiśāstra
No. | Title |
T42n1824 | Commentary on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 《中觀論疏》 |
T42n1825 | Commentary on the Dvādaśanikāyaśāstra 《十二門論疏》 |
T42n1826 | Overiew of the Dvādaśanikāyaśāstra 《十二門論宗致義記》 |
T42n1827 | Commentary on the Hundred Treatise 《百論疏》 |
T42n1828 | Commentary on the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 《瑜伽論記》 |
Volume T43 Śastra Commentary Section 論疏部
Volume 43 No. T43n1829-T43n1834. Commentaries on 瑜伽師地論略纂 Yogācārabhūmiśāstra, 成唯識論述記 Viṁśatikāvṛtti
No. | Title |
T43n1829 | Outline of the Yogācārabhūmiśāstra 《瑜伽師地論略纂》 |
T43n1830 | Notes on the Viṁśatikāvṛtti 《成唯識論述記》 |
T43n1831 | Outline of the Viṁśatikāvṛtti 《成唯識論掌中樞要》 |
T43n1832 | Cheng Weishi Lun Liaoyi Deng 《成唯識論了義燈》 |
T43n1833 | Cheng Weishi Lun Yan Mi 《成唯識論演祕》 |
T43n1834 | Weishi Ershi Lun Shu Ji 《唯識二十論述記》 |
Volume T44 Śastra Commentary and Different Schools Section 論疏部、諸宗部
Volume 44 No. T44n1835-T44n1851. Commentaries on 《大乘起信論》 Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna, T 1846 大乘起信論義記 Notes on the Meaning of Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna by Fazang
Volume T45 Different Schools Section 諸宗部
Volume 45 No. T45n1852- T45n1910. Popular titles: T 1857 寶藏論 Treasure Store Treatise
Volume T46 Different Schools Section 諸宗部
Volume 46 No. T46n1911-T46n1956. Popular titles: T 1911 摩訶止觀 The Great Calming and Contemplation (Mohe Zhi Guan), other Tiantai writings
Volume T47 Different Schools Section 諸宗部
Volume 47 No. T47n1957- T47n2000. Popular titles: T 1985 鎮州臨濟慧照禪師語錄 Quotations from Linji Chan Master Hui Zhao from Zhenzhou, Pure land texts, Chan quotations
Volume T48 Different Schools Section 諸宗部
Volume 48 No. T48n2001-T48n2025. Popular titles: T 2003 佛果圜悟禪師碧巖錄 The Blue Cliff Record, T 2004 萬松老人評唱天童覺和尚頌古從容庵錄 Congrong Lu, T 2005 無門關 Gateless Checkpoint (Wumen Guan), T 2008 六祖大師法寶壇經 The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, T 2010 信心銘 Inscription on the Mind of Faith (Xinxin Ming), T 2016 宗鏡錄 Records of the Mirror of the Source (Zongjing Lu), T 2014 禪關策進 Whip for Spurring Students Onward Through the Chan Barrier Checkpoints (Changuan Cejin)
Volume T49 History and Biographies Section 史傳部
Volume 49 No. T49n2026-T49n2039. Popular titles: T 2034 歷代三寶紀 Records of the Three Treasures Throughout the Successive Dynasties
Volume T50 History and Biographies Section 史傳部
Volume 50 No. T50n2040-T50n2065. Popular titles: T 2059 高僧傳 Biographies of Eminent Monks, T 2060 續高僧傳 Supplement to the Biographies of Eminent Monks, T 2061 宋高僧傳 Song Biographies of Eminent Monks, T 2062 大明高僧傳 Ming Biographies of Eminent Monks, T 2063 比丘尼傳 Biographies of Buddhist Nuns
Volume T51 History and Biographies Section 史傳部
Volume 51 No. T51n2066- T51n2101. Popular titles: T 2076 景德傳燈錄 Records of the Transmission of the Lamp (Jingde Chuandeng Lu), T 2087 大唐西域記 The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions, T 2092 洛陽伽藍記 A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Luoyang
Volume T52 History and Biographies Section 史傳部
Volume 52 No. T52n2102-T52n21T51n20. Popular titles: T 2102 弘明集 Hongming Ji (Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism)
No. | Title |
T52n2102 | Hongming Ji (Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism) 《弘明集》 |
T52n2103 | Guang Hong Ming Ji 《廣弘明集》 |
T52n2104 | Ji Gu Jin Fodao Lun Heng 《集古今佛道論衡》 |
T52n2105 | Xu Ji Gu Jin Fodao Lun Heng 《續集古今佛道論衡》 |
T52n2106 | Ji Shenzhou San Bao Gan Tong Lu 《集神州三寶感通錄》 |
T52n2107 | Dao Xuan Lushi Gan Tong Lu 《道宣律師感通錄》 |
T52n2108 | Ji Shamen Bu Ying Bai Su Deng Shi 《集沙門不應拜俗等事》 |
T52n2109 | Po Xie Lun 《破邪論》 |
T52n2110 | Bian Zheng Lun 《辯正論》 |
T52n2111 | Shi Men Bian Huo Lun 《十門辯惑論》 |
T52n2112 | Zhen Zheng Lun 《甄正論》 |
T52n2113 | Beishan Record 《北山錄》 |
T52n2114 | In Defense of the Dharma (Hufa Lun) 《護法論》 |
T52n2115 | Tan Jin Wenji 《鐔津文集》 |
T52n2116 | Bian Wei Lu 《辯偽錄》 |
T52n2117 | Sanjiao Ping Xin Lun 《三教平心論》 |
T52n2118 | Zhe Yi Lun 《折疑論》 |
T52n2119 | Si Shamen Xuan Zang Shang Biao Ji 《寺沙門玄奘上表記》 |
T52n2120 | Dai Zong Chao Zeng Sikong Da Bian Zheng Guang Zhi San Zang He Shang Biao Zhi Ji 《代宗朝贈司空大辨正廣智三藏和上表制集》 |
Volume T53 Encyclopedia and Dictionaries Section 事彙部
Volume 53 No. T53n2121-T53n2122. Popular titles: T 2122 法苑珠林 Fa Yuan Zhu Lin
No. | Title |
T53n2121 | Jing Lu Yi Xiang 《經律異相》 |
T53n2122 | Fa Yuan Zhu Lin 《法苑珠林》 |
Volume 54 Encyclopedia and Dictionaries and Outside Teachers Section 事彙部、外教部
Volume 54 No. T54n2123-T54n2144. Popular titles: T 2125 南海寄歸內法傳 A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and in the Malay Archipelago by Yi Jing
Volume 55 Catalog Section 目錄部Mokuroku-bu Index Division All (T2145 – T2184 Sutras)
(Catalogs of the Canon beginning with that of Seng-yu published in 515 C.E.)
Volume 55 No. T55n2145-. Popular titles: T 2145 出三藏記集 Collection of Records Concerning the Chinese Buddhist Canon (Chu San Zang Ji Ji)
Volumes T56-T61續經疏部 Japanese Classic Works (T2185 – T2245 Sutras) (Prince Shotoku, Ennin, Enchin, Kukai and others)
No. | Title |
T56n2185 | |
T56n2186 | |
T56n2187 | |
T56n2188 | |
T56n2189 | |
T56n2190 | |
T56n2191 | |
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T56n2194 | |
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T56n2199 | |
T55n2200 | |
T55n2201 | |
T55n2202 | |
T55n2203 | |
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T55n2205 | |
T55n2206 | |
T55n2207 | |
T55n2208 | |
T55n2209 | |
T55n2210 | |
T55n2211 | |
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T55n2213 | |
T55n2214 | |
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T55n2222 | |
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T55n2228 | |
T55n2229 |
Volumes T62-T70續律疏部・續論疏部 Japanese Vinaya and Treatises Section: (T2246 – T2295 Sutras)
Volumes T70-T76續諸宗部 Japanese Sectarian Writings 1-7: (T2296 – T2409 Sutras)
T2296-T2308:三論宗 Sanron shu (San-lun school: T1852-T1860)
T2309-T2325: 法相宗 Hosso shu (Fa-hsiang school: T1861-T1865)
T2326-T2346:華嚴宗 Kegon shu (Huayen school: T1866-T1891)
T2347-T2359:律宗 Ritsu shu (Lu school: T1892-T1910)
T2360-T2384: 天台宗 Tendai shu (T’ien-t’ai School: T1911-T1951)
T2385-T2410:密宗 Shingon shu (Mi (Esoteric) School: T1952-T1956)
Volumes T77-T79續諸宗部 Japanese Sectarian Writings 8-10 Shingon-Shu
(T2411 – T2542 Sutras)
Volumes T80-T82續諸宗部 Japanese Sectarian Writings 11-13 Zen-Shu (T2543 – T2607 sutras) 禪宗類 Zen shu (Chan school: 1985-2025)
T2543-T2579 臨濟宗 Rinzai shu
T2580-T2604 曹洞宗 Soto shu
T2605-T2607 黃檗宗 Obaku shu
Volumes T83-T84續諸宗部 Japanese Sectarian Writings 14-15 Jodo and Nichiren-Shu (T2608 – T2700 Sutras)
T2608-T2687 淨土宗 Jodo shu (Ching-t’u (Pure Land): T1957-T1984)
T2688-T2700 日蓮宗 Nichiren shu
Volumes T84悉曇部 Sittan-bu Dark Clouds Learnings Section (T2701 – T2731 Sutras)
Volumes T85a古逸部 Koitsu-bu History Division All (T2732 – T2864 Sutras)
(敦煌寫本類 Source Texts from Dunhuang ((CBETA) 20: T85(#2732-2920)))
T2732-T2864 古逸部 (Lost Writings Section)
T2732-T2786 經疏部 (Sutra Commentary Section)
T2732-T2743 金剛經古逸疏 (Diamond Sutra Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2744-T2745 仁王經古逸疏 (Two Kings Sutra (T0246) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2746-T2747 心經古逸疏 (Heart Sutra (T0251) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2748-T2752 法華經古逸疏 (Lotus Sutra (T0262) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2753-T2758 華嚴經古逸疏 (Avatamsaka Sutra (T0278-T0279) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2759-T2760 淨土經古逸疏 (Pure Land Sutras (T0360-T0373) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2761-T2763 勝鬘經古逸疏 (Srimala Devi Sutra (T0353) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2764-T2765 涅槃經古逸疏 (Nirvana Sutra (T0374-T0376) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2766-T2767 藥師經古逸疏 (Healing Master Sutra (T0450) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2768-T2778 維摩經古逸疏 (Vimalakirti Sutra (T0474) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2784-T2785 大乘四法經古逸疏 (Mahayana Four Dharmas Sutra Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2787-T2798 律疏部 (Vinaya Commentaries Section (Vinaya Section: T1421-T1504))
T2787-T2796 四分律古逸疏 (Four-part Vinaya (T1428) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2799-T2816 論疏部 (Commentaries on Treatises Section)
T2801-T2803 瑜伽師地論古逸疏 (Yogacarabhumi-sastra (T1579) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2805-T2809 攝講古逸疏 (Summary of the Great Vehicle (?) (T1592) Lost Writings
T2810-T2812 百法明門論古逸疏 (The Door to Understanding the One Hundred Dharmas (T1614) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2813-T2815 起信論古逸疏 (Awakening of Faith (T1666) Lost Writings Commentaries)
T2817-T2825 要義要抄類 (Essential Meanings and Essential Annotations Group)
T2826-T2840 宗義宗要類 (Ancetral Meaning and Ancestral Essentials Group)
T2826-T2830 淨土宗古逸類 (Pure Land School Lost Writings Group (Pure Land section: T1957-T1984))
T2831-T2839 禪宗古逸類 (Zen School Lost Writings Group (Zen section: T1985-T2025))
T2841-T2856 禮懺文類 (Writings on Worship and Repentence Group)
T2857-T2864 變文等雜類 (Altered Writings Arranged Together Group (?))
Volumes T85b疑似部Giji-bu Ambivalence Division All (T2865 – T2920 Sutras)
(敦煌寫本類 Source Texts from Dunhuang ((CBETA) 20: T85(#2732-2920)))
Volumes T86 – T97 大正新脩大藏經図像Zuzō-bu Iconographic supplement
(T2921 – T3283 Sutras)
Volumes T98 – T100目錄Shōwa Hōhō-sō Mokuryo Catalogs (T3284 – T3360 Sutras)
(Stand: Juni 2024)
http://sutrasmantras.info/index.html, (c) Rulu (如露)
http://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de, (c) Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 37070 Göttingen, Deutschland
http://www.dsbcproject.org, (c) University of the West , 1409 N.Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, California 91770, U.S.A
https://www.bdk.or.jp, (c) Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK – Society for the Promotion of Buddhism)
http://www.thezensite.com, (c) Dr T. Matthew Ciolek and Vladimir Keremidschieff
http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVL-Zen.html, (c) Dr T. Matthew Ciolek and Vladimir Keremidschieff
http://daitangvietnam.net, (c) Nguyên Tánh Trần tiễn Khanh, Tuệ Quang Wisdom Light Foundation, 206 Black Eagle Ave, Henderson, NV 89002, USA
http://buddhistinformatics.chibs.edu.tw/BZA, (c) Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, No. 700, Fagu Rd., Jinshan Dist. New Taipei City 20842, Taiwan, R.O.C.
http://www.dila.edu.tw/en, (c) Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, No. 700, Fagu Rd., Jinshan Dist. New Taipei City 20842, Taiwan, R.O.C.
http://ctzen.org/sunnyvale/index.html, (c) Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale, 750 East Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
http://21dzk.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/SAT/index_en.html, (c) The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee, Department of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo, Japan
http://www.acmuller.net/index.html, (c) A. Charles Muller, Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo, Japan
http://www.bttsonline.org/, (c) Buddhist Text Translation Society, International Translation Institute, 1777 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, California 94010-4504, USA
http://www.buddhisttexts.org/, (c) The Buddhist Text Translation Society, 4951 Bodhi Way, Ukiah, CA 95482, USA
http://www.ancient-buddhist-texts.net/, (c) Anandajoti Bhikkhu
http://www.palitext.com/, (c) The Pali Text Society, c/o CPI Antony Rowe Ltd, Unit 4, Pegasus Way, Bowerhill Industrial Estate, Melksham, Wilts, SN12 6TR, U.K.
http://www.bps.lk/, (c) Buddhist Publication Society, P.O. Box 61, 54 Sangharaja Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka
http://www.bcbsdharma.org, (c) Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, 149 Lockwood Road, Barre, MA 01005, USA
https://www.urbandharma.org/index6.html, (c) Kusala Bhikshu, International Buddhist Meditation Center, 928 S. New Hampshire Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90006
https://de.scribd.com/, (c) Scribd HQ Inc., 333 Bush Street, Suite 2400, San Francisco CA 94104, USA
http://www.dharanipitaka.net, (c) Rawang Buddhist Association, 8, Jalan Maxwell, 48000 Rawang, Selangor, West Malaysia.
http://www.buddhism.org/Sutras/, Digital International Buddhism Organization, 350 Obin-ri Yangpyeong-eup, Yangpyeong-gun Gyeonggi-Do Seoul Korea 476-803
(1654-7 Gyeonggang-ro, Yangpyeong-eup Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do Seoul Korea 12545