Volumes T09a Dharma Flower Division All (262 – 277 Sutras)
法華部 Chinese: Fǎhuá bù, Japanese: Hokke-bu, Sanskrit: Saddharma Puṇḍarīka. Description: The Lotus Sūtra
T09a_262. K 116 (IX:725) (H. 255)
Volumes 265-2661
Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra
Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra, translated by Kumārajīva into the Chinese as Miaofa lianhua jing (妙法蓮華經). 8 fascicles.
- (i) Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
- (ii) Dam-paḥi chos pad-ma dkar-po
- (iii) Miao fa lien hua ching (7 chüan)(var. 8)
- 妙法蓮華經
- 묘법연화경
Translation by Kumārajīva: summer of the 8th year of Hung Shih (弘始), Later Ch’in dynasty (A.D. 406) in the Ta Monastery (後奏), 2 or in the 7th year of Hung Shih (弘始) (A.D. 405) in the Hsiao-yao Garden (逍遙園), Ch’ang-an(長安).3
- (1) cf. 115, K.117, K.118, K.561, K.563, KS.3.
- (2) Case 鳴 129; carved A.D. 1242-1243.
- (3) KDJK. 9:725-800; HDJK. 38:1-260.
- (4) Nj. 134; Ono. 10: 356b; To. 113; O. 781; Mvy. 1335.
- (5) Kern & Nanjio (1908-1912); H. Luders & F. Thomas (1916) frag; Mironov (1927); U. Wogihara & C. Tsuchida (1933-35); W. Baruch (1938) Gilgit frag; P.V. Bapat (1949) Gilgit frag; G. Honda & J. Deguchi (1949) frag; N. Dutt (1953); P. Vaidya (1960); G. Bongard-Levin & E. Tyomkin (1965) frag.
- (6)
- P – Mdo-sna-tshogs (chu)1-205a
- N – Mdo (ja)1b-281b
- D – Mdo-sde (ja)1b-180b
- L – Mdo (ja)1b-285b
- C – Mdo-maṅ (ja)1b-212b.
- Vol. 265 ch. 1-3 鳴; Vol. 266 ch. 4-7 鳴.
- T. 2154-512b:23.
- T. 2153-385c:9.
T09a_262. KS 3 (H. 255)
Volume S2
- (i) Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra.
- (ii) Dam-paḥi chos pad-ma dkar-po.
- (iii) Miao fa lien hua ching. (7 chüan)
- 妙法蓮華經
- 묘법연화경
Identical to K.116. Appendix by Chŏng Pun.
Englisch: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/lotus/index.htm
Englisch: http://lotus.nichirenshu.org/lotus/sutra/Englisch/watson/indxwatson.htm (copyrighted)
Englisch: http://www.fodian.net/world/0262.html
Englisch: https://www.bdk.or.jp/document/dgtl-dl/dBET_T0262_LotusSutra_2007.pdf
Englisch: https://bdkamerica.org/download/1891
Englisch: http://www.buddhamountain.ca/Lotus_Sutra_EN.php
Englisch: http://ctzen.org/sunnyvale/enUS/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=242&Itemid=57
Englisch: http://ctzen.org/sunnyvale/zhTW/images/pdf/2013sutra/2014sutra/universal%20gateway%20of%20guanyin%20bodhisattva%20sutra%20v2.7%2020131216.pdf
T09a_263. K 117 (IX-.801) (H.256)
Volumes 267-2691
Proper Dharma Flower Sutra
- (i) Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
- (ii) Dam-paḥi chos pad-ma dkar-po
- (iii) Cheng fa hua ching (10 chüan)
- 正法華經
- 정법화경
Translation by Dharmarakṣa: 10th day, 8th month, 7th year of Tai K’ang (太康), Western Chin dynasty (西晉) (September 15th, A.D. 286) in Ch’ang-an (長安).2
- (1) cf. 115, K.116, K.118, K.561, K.663, KS.3.
- (2) Case 鳳 130: carved A.D. 1242-1243.
- (3) KDJK. 9:801-897; HDJK. (vol. 38).
- (4) Nj. 138; Ono. 5:322c; To. 113; O.781; Mvy. 1336.
- (5) = 116.
- (6) = 116.
- Vol. 267 ch. 1-3 鳳; Vol. 268 ch. 4-7 鳳; Vol. 269 ch. 8-10 鳳.
- T. 2l45-7b:14;T. 2153-385b:27.
T09a_264. K 118 (IX: 899) (H. 257)
Volumes 270-2711
Appended Chapters to the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra
- (i) Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
- (ii) Dam-paḥi chos pad-ma dkar-po
- (iii) T’ien p’in miao fa lien hua ching (7 chüan)
- 添品妙法蓮華經
- 첨품묘법연화경
Translation by Jñānagupta and Dharmagupta: first2 or 2nd year of Jen Shou (仁嘉) Sui dynasty (隋) (A.D. 601-602).3
- (1) cf. 115, K.116, K.117, K.561, K.563, KS.3.
- (2) Case 在 131; carved A.D. 1242-1243.
- (3) KDJK.9:899-976; HDJK. (vol.38).
- (4) Nj. 139; Ono. 8:154a; To. 113; O.781; Mvy. 1335.
- (5) = 116.
- (6) = 116.
- Vol. 270 ch. 1-4 在; Vol. 271 ch. 5-7 在.
- Mochizuki Vol. 6, p. 141.
- T. 2154-548b:22.
T09a_265. K 115 (IX:723) (H. 258)
Volume 265
The Saddhanmapandarika Sutra
- (i) Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
- (iii) Sa t’an fen t’o li ching (1 chüan)
- 薩曇分陀利經
- 살담분타리경
Translator unknown: listed in the Hsin chin lu (西晉錄) (A.D. 265-317).1
- (1) cf. 116[11, 12], K.117[11], K.118[11].
- (2) Case 鳴 129; carved A.D. 1242.
- (3) KDJK.9 :723-724; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 136; Ono. 4:48.
- (5) see 116.
- T. 2157-921b:22.
T09a_266. K 135 (X:197) (H. 259)
Volume 289
The Buddha Speaks of Avaivart Dharma Wheel 阿惟越致遮 Sutra
- (i) Avaivartikacakrasūtra
- (ii) Phyir-mi-ldog-paḥi ḥkhor-lo
- (iii) A wei yüeh chih che ching (3 chüan)
- 阿維越致遮經
- 아유월치차경
Translation by Dharmarakṣa: 14th day, 10th month, 5th year of Tai K’ang (泰康), Western Chin dynasty (西晉) (November 8th, A.D. 284) in Tun-huang (敦煌).1
- (1) cf. 136, K.137.
- (2) Case 草 139; carved A.D. 1242-1243.
- (3) KDJK. 10:197-230; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 150; Ono. 1:59c; To. 240; O. 906; Mvy. 1371.
- (5) Edg.; var. Aparivartyasūtra, °vartacakrasūtra.
- (6)
- P – Mdo-sna-tshogs (wu)256b-321a
- N – Mdo (dsa)367b-458a
- D – Mdo-sde (sha)241b-301b
- L – Mdo (dsa)371b-465a
- C – Mdo-maṅ (sha)274a-535b.
- T. 2154-494a:21.
T09a_267. K 137 (X:271) (H. 260)
Volume 291
The Non-Retreating Dharma Wheel Sutra
- (i) Avaivartikacakrasūtra
- (ii) Phyir-mi-ldog-paḥi ḥkhor-lo
- (iii) Pu t’ui chuan fa lun ching (1 chüan)
- 不退轉法輪經
- 불퇴전법륜경
Translator unknown: Northern Liang dynasty (北涼) (A.D. 412-439).1
- (1) cf. 135, K.136.
- (2) Case 木 140; carved A.D. 1243.
- (3) KDJK.10:271-307; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 157; Ono. 9:193d; To. 240; O. 906; Mvy. 1371.
- (5) = 135.
- (6) = 135.
- T. 2157-922b:22.
T09a_268. K 136 (X:231) (H.261)
Volume 290
The Buddha Speaks of the Vast, Wide, Adorned, Pure and Non-Retreating Wheel Sutra
- (i) Avaivartikacakrasūtra
- (ii) Phyir-mi-ldog-paḥi ḥkhor-lo
- (iii) Kuang po yen ching pu t’ui chuan lun ching (6 chüan)
- 廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經
- 광박엄정불퇴전륜경
Translation by Chih-yen: 4th year of Yüan Chia (元嘉), Liu Sung dynasty (劉宋) (A.D. 427) in Chih-yüan Monastery (枳園寺) in Yang-tu (楊都).1
- (1) cf. 135, K.137.
- (2) Case 木 140; carved A.D. 1242-1243.
- (3) KDJK. 10:231-269; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 158; Ono. 3:378c; To. 240; O. 906; Mvy. 1371.
- (5) = 135.
- (6) = 135.
- T. 2151-361c:4.
T09a_269. K 113 (IX:709) (H. 262)
Volume 265
The Buddha Speaks of the Dharma Flower Samadhi Sutra
- (iii) Fa hua san mei ching (1 chüan)
- 法華三昧經
- 법화삼매경
Translation by Chih Yen: 4th year of Yüan Chia (元嘉), Liu Sung dynasty (宋) (A.D. 427) in Chih-yüan Monastery (枳園寺), Yang-chou (楊州).1
- (2) Case 鳴 129; carved A.D. 1242.
- (3) KDJK. 9:709-714; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 135; Ono. 10:67d.
- T. 2153-385c:17.
T09a_270. K 416 (XIII:583) (H. 263)
Volume 399
The Great Dharma Drum Sutra
- (i) Mahābherihārakaparivarta(sūtra)
- (ii) Rṅa-bo-che chen-poḥi leḥu
- (iii) Ta fa ku ching (2 chüan)
- 大法鼓經
- 대법고경
Translation by Guṇabhadra: (see K.410).
- (2) Case 量 192; carved A.D. 1242.
- (3) KDJK. 13:583-597; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 440; Ono. 7:488c; To. 222; O.888.
- (6)
- P – Mdo-sna-tshogs (tshu)88b-134a
- N – Mdo (tsa)142b-208b
- D – Mdo-sde (dsa)84b-126b
- L – Mdo (tsa)141a-208b
- C – Mdo-maṅ (dsa)117b-172b.
Englisch: https://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra19.html
Englisch: http://www.buddhamountain.ca/ENT0270_Ruru.php
T09a_271. K 162 (X-:983) (H. 264)
Volume 306
The Buddha Speaks of the Supernatural Transformations in the Expedient States of Bodhisattvas‘ Conducts Sutra
- (i) Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa(sūtra)
- (ii) Byaṅ-chub-sems-dpaḥi spyod-yul-gyi thabs-kyi yul-la rnam-par-ḥphrul-ba bstan-pa
- (iii) P’u sa hsing fang pien ching chieh shen t’ung pien hua ching (3 chüan)
- 菩薩行方便境界通變化經
- 보살행방편경계통변화경
Translation by Guṇabhadra: between the 12th and 20th years Yüan Chia (元嘉), Liu Sung dynasty (劉宋 )(A.D. 435-443).1
- (1) cf. 163.
- (2) Case 髮 148; carved A.D. 1243.
- (3) KDJK. 10:983-1004, HDJK.(vol.39).
- (4) Nj. 178; Ono. 9:396b; To. 146; O. 813.
- (6)
- P – Mdo-sna-tshogs (nu)37b-101b
- N – Mdo (da)57a-154b
- D – Mdo-sde (pa)82a-141b
- L – Mdo (da)57a-153b
- C – Mdo-maṅ (pa)35a-96b.
- T. 2151-362b:4.
T09a_272. K 163 (X:1005) (H. 265)
Volumes 307-3081
Sutra Spoken by Mahasatya Nirgrantha-jnaniputra
- (i) Bodhisattvagocaropāyaviṣayavikurvāṇanirdeśa(sūtra)
- (ii) Byaṅ-chub-sems-dpaḥi spyod-yul-gyi thabs-kyi yul-la rnam-par-ḥphrul-ba bstan-pa
- (iii) Ta sa che ni ch’ien tzu so shuo ching (10 chüan)
- 大薩遮尼乾子所說經
- 대살차니간자소설경
Translation by Bodhiruci: 1st year of Cheng Kuang (正光), Later Wei dynasty (後魏)(A.D. 520) in Lo-tu (洛都).2
- (1) cf. 162.
- (2) Case 四 149; carved A.D. 1243.
- (3) KDJK. 10:1005-1073; HDJK (vol. 39).
- (1) Nj. 179; Ono. 7:246c;3 146; O. 813.
- (6) = 162.
- Vol. :307 ch. 1-5 四; Vol. 308 ch. 6-10.四.
- T. 2153-392c:8.
- Error in listing. T. 212.
T09a_273. K 521 (XIV:57) (H. 266)
Volume 420
Vajra Samadhi Sutra
- (i) Vajrasamādhi(sūtra)
- (ii) Rdo-rjeḥi tiṅ-ṅe-ḥdsin-gyi chos-kyi yi-ge
- (iii) Chin kang san mei ching (1 chüan)
- 金剛三昧經
- 김강삼매경
Translator unknown: Northern Liang dynasty (北涼) (A.D. 397-439).1
- (1) cf. 1501.
- (2) Case 景 201; carved A.D. 1242.
- (3) KDJK.14:57-69; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 429; Ono. 3:468a; To. 135; O. 803.
- (6)
- P – Mdo-sna-tshogs (du)127b-152a
- N – Mdo (tha)254a-291a
- D – Mdo-sde (na)122a-144b
- L – Mdo (tha)241a-276a
- C – Mdo-maṅ (ḥa)152a-178b.
- T.2157-938c:10.
Englisch: https://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra53a.html
Englisch: http://www.buddhamountain.ca/ENT0273_The_Vajrasamadhi_Sutra.php
T09a_274. K 147 (X:579) (H. 267)
Volume 298
The Buddha Speaks of Assisting with Learning the Various Vaipulyas Sutra
- (i) Sarvavaidalyasaṃgraha(sūtra)
- (ii) Rnam-par ḥthag-pa thams-cad bsdus-pa
- (iii) Chi chu fang teng hsüeh ching (1 chüan)
- 濟諸方等學經
- 제제방등학경
Translation by Dharmarakṣa: between the 1st year of Tai Shih (太始) and the 1st year of Chien Hsing (建興), Western Chin dynasty (西晉) (A.D. 265-313).1
- (1) cf. 148.
- (2) Case 萬 143; carved A.D. 1243.
- (3) KDJK. 10:579-585; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 252; Ono. 4:40; To. 227; O. 893;Mvy. 1385.
- (5) var. Sarvavidyayasaṃgrāha.
- (6)
- P – Mdo-sna-tshogs (tshu)187a-199a
- N – Mdo (tsa)282b-301a
- D – Mdo-sde (dsa)177a-188b
- L – Mdo (tsa)287a-305b
- C – Mdo-maṅ (dsa)233a-246b.
- T. 2151-353a:26.
T09a_275. K 148 (X:587) (H. 268)
Volume 298
The United Upholdings of the Mahayana Expansive Means Sutra
- (i) Sarvavaidalyasaṃgrahasūtra
- (ii) Rnam-par ḥthag-pa thams-cad bsdus-pa
- (iii) To ch’eng fang kuang tsung ch’ih ching (1 chüan)
- 大乘方廣惣持經
- 대승방광총지경
Translation by Vinītaruci: 7th month, 2nd year of K’ai Huang (開皇), Sui dynasty (隋) (A.D. 582) in Ta-hsing-shan Monastery (大興善寺).1
- (1) cf. 147.
- (2) Case 萬 143; carved A.D. 1243.
- (3) KDJK. 10:587-593; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 253; Ono. 7:336b; To. 227; O. 893.
- (5) = 147.
- (6) = 147.
- T. 2149-276a:13.
Englisch: https://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra09.html
Englisch: http://www.buddhamountain.ca/ENT0275_Ruru.php
T09a_276. K 114 (IX:715) (H. 269)
Volume 265
The Sutra of Limitless Meanings/ The Infinite Meaning Sutra
Translated by Dharmāgatayaśas into the Chinese as Wuliangyi jing (無量義經). 1 fascicle.
- (iii) Wu liang i ching (1 chüan)
- 無量義經
- 무량의경
Translation by Dharmāgatayaśas: 3rd year of Chien Yüan (建元), Southern Ch’i dynasty (南齊) (A.D. 481) in Chao-t’ing Monastery (朝亭寺) Kuang-chou. (廣州).1
- (2) Case 鳴 129; carved A.D. 1243.
- (3) KDJK. 9:715-722; HDJK. (vol. 39).
- (4) Nj. 133; Ono. 10:424b.
- T. 2151-363b :13.
Englisch: http://www.fodian.net/world/276.html
Englisch: https://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra20.html
Englisch: http://www.buddhamountain.ca/ENT0276.php
Englisch: https://bdkamerica.org/download/1901
Audio: https://www.bdkamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Infinite_1_and_Intro.mp3 Intro and Chapter 1. Beneficial Works. (16:32)
https://www.bdkamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Infinite_2.mp3 Chapter 2. Dharma Discourse (19:16)
https://www.bdkamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Infinite_3.mp3 Chapter 3. Ten Beneficial Effects (25:45)
T09a_277. K 380 (XII:329) (H. 270)
Volume 356
The Buddha Speaks of Contemplating the Dharma of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva’s Conducts Sutra/ The Sutra Expounded by the Buddha on Practice of the Way through Contemplation of the Bodhisattva All-embracing Goodness
Translated into the Chinese by Dharmamitra as Guan Puxian pusa xingfa jing (觀普賢菩薩行法經). 1 fascicle.
- (iii) Kuan p’u hsien p’u sa hsing fa ching (1 chüan)
- 觀普賢菩薩行法經
- 관보현보살행법경
Translation by Dharmamitra: during the years of Yüan Chia (元嘉), Liu Sung dynasty ( 劉宋) (A.D. 424-442) in Tao-ch’ang Monastery (道場寺), Yang chou (楊州).1
- (2) Case 改 172; carved A.D. 1241.
- (3) KDJK. 12:329-336; HDJK. (vol.39).
- (4) Nj. 394; Ono. 2:178c.
- T.2153-386b:28.
Englisch: https://bdkamerica.org/download/1901